
Captain Black Original Regular

Captain Black Original Regular

Now normally I had been smoking aromatics from a local tobaccanist that had a medium taste and Extremely pleasant room note. Captain Black White was awful in my opinion, with little to no taste and an ok smell. It burned hot and was dry within a week even being kept in a jar. captain black tobacco "This black and gold Cavendish smells of yummy vanilla and marshmallow or is it cupcakes?" - Vanilla and marshmallow... Not at all Whiskey flavored or scented. I still find the old Captain great to smoke. This is a very inexpensive tobacco and is easily found at the local drug store. Captain Black White is a good pipe tobacco. T a noticeable smell to Captain Black White Label except a kind of spice of some kind but I can? Captain Black White Label has a spiciness to it that, to me, is very nice. It is also heavier or richer than the really cheap stuff in the supermarket. I did not notice any noticeable taste other than just tobacco. I actually like this because there is nothing worse to me than smoking a tobacco that has an awful taste of soap or ash. I've smoked the Captain for 10+ years. It never gave me tongue bite either. It will ghost a pipe, but that never bothered me because the flavor is pretty mellow. The quintessential starter tobacco, and in my case the very first pipe tobacco I ever had. Extremely mild, no strength at all, but a nice enough flavor when it pokes its head out.
I just finished smoking this entire pouch over the last few weeks. I found this to be a please smoke, I enjoyed it and its taste and others in the room enjoyed the smell as well. I have had many people tell me that they love the smell of this smoke. I have not tried too many other tobacco's so I'm not sure how to compare this to them, but I know it is a very simple tobacco. The flavor profile is not complex but it doesn't need to be. It's a great mix of plain black cavendish and tasty burleys, and it doesn't pretend to be more than that. The Virginia’s and burley come through the most with typical flavors of grass, hay and dried fruit while the vanilla cavendish adds a subtle sweetness to the whole mix. Well rounded with no rough edges. In recent years, they’ve stopped adding so much topping and humectant. Not only did it make the tobacco worse but I’m sure it was more costly to produce. I loved the aroma, so I remembered Captain Black. Decades later I had moved on to a variety of obscurely names tobaccos, but recently decided to return to the beginning. Captain Black is still great stuff. I started smoking Captain Black flavors about 15 years ago, quit pipes for a while and recently started back up again. I give Captain Black White three stars for all of its attributes. This Tobacco has me perplexed as to why it's so popular....It really has no taste. Cheaper black cavandish like from Walgreens and a few others are actually way better. The Blue package Captain Black is way better than this. I do believe Lane has changed this, and I can't wait to try 1Q to see if it like the Captain I remember. I would buy it again-albeit probably out of necessity. Usually pipe smokers start out with a cheap pipe and drug store tobacco such is the branding of Captain Black and then work their way up to the good stuff. Long time cigar smoker, newish to pipes.